3.08.150   Notice not required.
   The administrator is not required to send a renewal, delinquency or other notice or bill to any person subject to the provisions of this chapter and failure to send such notice or bill shall not affect the validity of any tax or penalty due under the provisions of this chapter. (Prior code § 23.03.304)
3.08.160   Certificate withheld.
   A.   Pending Action. The administrator is prohibited from issuing a certificate to any person for conducting any business when there are pending before the director of finance charges referred by the administrator against the holder of any certificate at the same location until such charges have been disposed of by the director.
   B.   Debt to City. No certificates for any ensuing, current or unexpired period shall knowingly be issued to any person who at the time of making application thereof is indebted to the city for any unpaid business operations tax.
   C.   Checks Returned. If any person shall have upon two or more occasions made payment for his or her certificate with a check which was returned by the bank upon which it was drawn unpaid, the administrator may thereafter require that such person make payment of his or her business operations tax by cash payment or by money order or certified check. (Prior code § 23.03.305)
Article IV. Determination, Calculation and Payment of the Business Operations Tax