5.150.1480   Cannabis consumption lounge personnel requirements.
   A.   Operator age limit. No person under 21 years of age shall operate a cannabis consumption lounge in any capacity, including as a manager, employee, contractor, or volunteer.
   B.   Education and training. The cannabis consumption lounge operator shall educate their managers, employees, and volunteers about the various types of cannabis and cannabis products allowed in the consumption lounge, including the potency, absorption time, and effects; and shall train their managers, employees, and volunteers to likewise educate customers on their purchases. The cannabis consumption lounge operator shall also train their employees to recognize signs of impairment in their customers.
   C.   Community-relations employee. The cannabis consumption lounge operator shall designate an employee as their onsite community-relations contact; provide their name and phone number by certified mail to all neighboring properties within 100 feet of the site; and advise them to notify the community-relations contact if there are operational problems with the lounge that impact the neighborhood. The cannabis consumption lounge operator shall also provide the name and phone number of the onsite community-relations contact to the Sacramento Police Department.
   D.   Manager. The cannabis consumption lounge operator's manager shall be in the lounge whenever there is a customer in the lounge. (Ord. 2024-0044 § 9)