The Panhandle impact fee is established and imposed on all parcels located within the Panhandle area for the following types of development:
A. New dwelling units, buildings, or structures.
B. Additions to the commercial building area or residential building area of a building or structure.
C. Changes in use of a building or structure. (Ord. 2022-0016 § 1)
A. The Panhandle infrastructure fund is established. The city shall deposit all revenues generated by the Panhandle impact fee, and any interest earned on the fund balance, into the fund.
B. The city shall use the Panhandle infrastructure fund to:
1. Finance the design, construction, installation, improvement, and acquisition of the Panhandle facilities.
2. Reimburse the city for administrative costs identified in the Panhandle finance plan.
3. Reimburse landowners and holders of development credits consistent with section 18.56.1140 and the Panhandle finance plan. (Ord. 2022-0016 § 1)