18.40.030   Establishment of habitat conservation fee.
   The habitat conservation fee established pursuant to this chapter is a fee which a landowner may elect to pay in lieu of satisfying the requirements of federal and state Endangered Species Acts and of the mitigation monitoring programs and SAFCA permit. Landowners seeking to develop property within the permit area may elect not to pay the fee and to address said requirements by other means specified in the habitat conservation plan.
   A.   A habitat conservation fee is established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   The city council, by resolution, shall establish the specific initial and subsequent amounts of the habitat conservation fee. In addition, the city council, by resolution, may adopt additional provisions, procedures and policies to implement the fees established by this chapter. The amount of the fees, and such policies, guidelines, and procedures shall be consistent with the requirements of the habitat conservation plan. (Prior code § 84.10.1002)