18.24.400   Review and adjustment of fees.
   The city council, by resolution, may revise the public facilities land acquisition fee and the regional park land acquisition fee, time to time, to take into account any changes in the public land acquisition value, the average amount of public land, the net acres, the amount of public land and regional park land required under the North Natomas land acquisition program, and the actual costs of acquiring public land and regional park land. The director of public works, or his or her designee, is authorized to retain the services of an appraiser to perform a valuation study of the North Natomas finance plan area in order to update the public land acquisition value. Any revision in the fees or other matters set forth in this section shall be consistent with the formula and methodologies set forth in the North Natomas land acquisition program. (Ord. 2000-017 § 2(b)(vii); Ord. 99-043 § 2(m); prior code § 84.03.315)