18.24.250   Purposes.
   This article is adopted pursuant to the general powers reserved to the city under its City Charter for the purpose of implementing and providing funding for the North Natomas land acquisition program of the North Natomas financing plan. The development of land in the North Natomas finance plan area will cause the need for public facilities and improvements. The acquisition of public land and regional park land is required to provide land upon which to construct such facilities and improvements, to provide open space and buffers, and for other public purposes. The North Natomas land acquisition program is formulated to allow for the location of public facilities and improvements based upon sound planning principles by spreading the cost of public land and regional park land uniformly across the North Natomas finance plan area. It is intended to provide a method by which landowners may provide public land and regional park land needed for such facilities and improvements, above and beyond standard city dedication requirements for individual development projects, and which is required within the North Natomas finance plan area as a condition of allowing development in that area, at no cost to the city. The program is structured to provide a consistent, fair and equitable method to handle public land and regional park land acquisition and establishes assigned values which are intended to avoid the effects of wide swings in land values over time and across locations. The purpose of this chapter is to establish and impose the fees which are an integral part of the program, and which are needed to provide funding required for acquisition of land under the program. (Prior code § 84.03.300)