18.24.030   Purposes.
   This article is adopted pursuant to the general powers reserved to the city under its City Charter for the purpose of authorizing certain development impact fees, as described in the North Natomas financing plan, to be assessed upon the owners of residential and nonresidential property located within the North Natomas finance plan area. The fees herein adopted shall be assessed upon landowners developing such property for any residential or nonresidential use in order to provide all or a portion of the funds which will be necessary to design, construct, install or acquire public infrastructure required to meet the needs of and address the impacts caused by development activity. It is the intent and purpose of the city to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare by constructing, installing and acquiring public infrastructure necessitated by development in the North Natomas finance plan area. Furthermore, it is the intent and purpose of the city to allow the development within the North Natomas finance plan area on the condition that landowners in the area pay the costs of such public infrastructure and that such costs shall not be or become a responsibility of the city's general fund. (Prior code § 84.02.200)