18.16.030   Applications.
   A.   All applications for development agreements shall be filed with the director of planning and development. The form of such application and the information and data required to be set forth thereon shall be as prescribed by the planning director. The planning director may require an applicant to submit such additional information and data as considered necessary to process the application.
   B.   A separate application shall be filed for each project for which a development agreement is requested.
   C.   For purposes of these regulations, a "project" shall mean a specific proposal for rezoning or other land use entitlement for development of a parcel or combined parcels of property for which a development agreement application is submitted and may be, in connection with such application, a proposed rezoning, conditional use permit, subdivision map or other land use entitlement, or combination thereof, provided that the development agreement, if entered into for such project, may also include according to its terms all subsequent land use entitlements and all easements, dedications and public and private improvements to be installed pursuant thereto and other requirements to be imposed in connection therewith. (Ord. 2013-0021 § 103; prior code § 56.06.603)