18.16.020   Development agreement authorized.
   A.   The city of Sacramento ("city"), in its sole and exclusive legislative discretion, may enter into a binding agreement with any qualified applicant for the development of property within the city, pursuant to and in accordance with these regulations and the law.
   B.   The authority specified in subsection A of this section includes entering into a development agreement with a qualified applicant who owns land not within the city, but which land lies in an unincorporated area and is within the city's sphere of influence. This authority is founded on the provisions of Government Code Section 65865(b).
   C.   Except in cases covered by subsection B of this section, a development agreement shall be considered only in conjunction with a completed application for any required general and community plan amendments, rezoning, conditional use permit, subdivision map, master parcel map, or other land use entitlement. (Ord. 2013-0021 § 102; prior code § 56.06.602)