A. Adoption of capital improvement program. Not less than every five years, the council shall adopt a capital improvement program setting forth a program of capital improvement projects for planning, initiation, or construction during the next five years.
B. Review of proposed capital improvement program. Prior to consideration by the council of the capital improvement program required by subsection A of this section, the city manager shall submit the program to the planning and design commission for its review. Within 60 days of receipt of the proposed program of capital improvement projects, the planning and design commission shall review and report to the council on the conformity of the program with the adopted general plan and any applicable specific plan or transit village plan.
C. Amendments to the capital improvement program. Prior to initiation or construction of a project not contained in the then applicable capital improvement program, the city manager shall submit the proposed project to the planning director for review for consistency with the adopted general plan and any applicable specific plan or transit village plan. The planning director shall review and report to the council or authorized project decision-maker on the consistency of the proposed project within 30 days of the date of submittal of the project for review. The planning director may submit the proposed project for consistency review to the planning and design commission, which shall provide its report on consistency within the 30 day time period. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)