17.808.110   Scope of site plan and design review.
   A.   The scope of site plan and design review extends to all aspects of the physical characteristics of development, such as the design features and site improvements of a development enumerated below.
      1.   Architectural design features of buildings and structures, including the size, scale, massing, articulation, colors, and materials of buildings and structures; the number, size, color, materials, design, and location of detached and attached signs (but not for the content or graphic design of the message displayed); and the screening of roof-mounted mechanical equipment;
      2.   Site design features, including subdivisions, the location and orientation of buildings, structures, detached signs, parking areas, and open spaces; the location, dimensions, and design of access ways and facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles; and the layout, design, and visual and functional characteristics of the landscape plan, including plantings, hardscape, lighting, paving, grading, drainage, and the screening of storage and service areas and ground-mounted equipment;
      3.   The adequacy of, and any reasonably required improvements to, streets and other public access ways and facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles; parking facilities; and utility and other infrastructure, both on-site and off-site; all as required to serve the development;
      4.   Physical site and architectural design features related to energy consumption and use of renewable energy re-sources;
      5.   Measures for the protection of environmentally sensitive features such as rivers, creeks, wetlands, protected plant and animal habitats, city trees, and private protected trees; and
      6.   Measures for the prevention of fires, flooding, erosion, subsidence, air and water pollution, glare, excessive noise and vibration, and exposure to hazardous substances.
   B.   The scope of site plan and design review does not include consideration of the use to which the development is put. (Ord. 2021-0024 § 37; Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)