17.720.120   Periodic review and inspection required.
Whenever a permit or reclamation plan for a surface mine is approved or conditionally approved, periodic inspection of the site and surface mining operation by the planning department shall be a condition of approval.
   A.   Timing of inspection. The planning department shall arrange for inspection within six months of receipt of the annual report required by section 17.720.130. In no event shall less than one inspection be conducted in any calendar year.
   B.   Purpose of inspection. The periodic inspection shall be required to determine whether the surface mining operation is in compliance with the approved conditional use permit or reclamation plan, financial assurances, and state regulations.
   C.   Inspection personnel. Required inspections may be made by a state-registered geologist, state-registered civil engineer, state-licensed landscape architect, or state-registered forester, who is experienced in land reclamation and who has not been employed by the mining operation in any capacity during the previous 12 months, or other qualified specialists selected by the planning director and retained by the city.
   D.   Inspection forms. All inspections shall be conducted using forms provided by the California State Mining and Geology Board.
   E.   State notification of inspection. The planning department shall notify the California Department of Conservation within 30 days of completion of the inspection that the inspection has been conducted, and shall forward a copy of the inspection notice and any supporting documentation to the mine operator. The mine operator shall be solely responsible for the reasonable cost of the inspection.
   F.   Refusal of inspection. Failure by the permittee to allow a required inspection shall constitute grounds for revocation of the conditional use permit pursuant to section 17.808.450. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)