17.720.080   Reclamation plan requirements.
   A.   State standards. All reclamation plans shall conform to minimum statewide performance standards required pursuant to the California Public Resources Code section 2772(c) and the implementing regulations (14 Cal. Code of Regs., Article 9, Chapter 8, section 3700 et seq.), adopted by the State Surface Mining and Geology Board, including wildlife habitat, backfilling, revegetation, drainage, agricultural land reclamation, equipment removal, stream protection, topsoil salvage, and waste management.
   B.   Information on site and surroundings. The reclamation plan shall also address specific characteristics of the site and surface mine to be reclaimed, such as type of overburden, soil stability, topography, geology, climate, stream characteristics, and principal mineral commodities, and the character of the surrounding area.
   C.   General application information. The reclamation plan shall include the information specified by section 17.720.070, and all additional information and materials specified in the list of "Required Application Contents for Surface Mining Permits and Reclamation Plans" furnished by the planning department.
   D.   Information on reclamation phasing. Each phase of reclamation shall be specifically described in the reclamation plan and shall include:
      1.   The beginning and expected ending dates for each phase;
      2.   All reclamation activities required;
      3.   Criteria for measuring completion of specific reclamation activities; and
      4.   Estimated costs as provided by section 17.720.110. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)