17.716.040   Condominium new construction.
   A.   Development standards. The development standards in this section apply to new condominium construction.
      1.   Utilities.
         a.   Sewer. Each condominium unit shall have a separate sewer service hookup; provided, that the planning and design commission may permit the use of common sewer lines that are oversized by one size or more, or that are hydraulically designed with a 100% safety factor, where the planning and design commission, with the concurrence of the city engineer, finds the common sewer lines can adequately service the condominiums and that separate service hookups would not be feasible.
         b.   Water. Each condominium unit shall have a separate water service hookup or shutoff; provided, that the planning and design commission may permit a single water system to service more than one condominium unit where shutoffs are provided wherever practicable and where the planning and design commission, with the concurrence of the city engineer, finds that the single water system can adequately service the condominiums and separate service hookups or shutoffs are not feasible.
         c.   Gas. Each condominium unit shall have a separate gas service where gas is a necessary utility.
         d.   Electricity. Each condominium unit shall have a separate electrical service, with separate meters and dis-connects and ground fault interrupters where and as required by the building code.
      2.   Sound attenuation. Each condominium unit shall comply with the state of California's Noise Insulation Standards (Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations).
      3.   Ownership organization. All condominium projects shall have an ownership association responsible for the care and maintenance of all common areas, common improvements, and any other interest common to the condominium owners. Complete and true copies of all covenants, conditions, and restrictions; articles of incorporation; and by-laws shall be subject to review and approval by the city prior to occupancy as a condominium unit. The city may be made a third party beneficiary to all or any portion of the covenants, conditions, and restrictions as deemed appropriate.
      4.   Building code requirements. Each unit of a condominium project, and all commonly owned portions of a condominium building shall comply with all applicable building code standards. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the applicant or the city from providing or requiring building standards greater than those set forth in the building code where the greater standards are found to be necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)