17.712.050   Housing impact fees.
   A.   A housing impact fee is established and imposed on real property for which a residential project is proposed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and as further described in the nexus study.
   B.   The city council, by resolution, shall establish the specific amount of the housing impact fee for the various categories of housing type as identified in the nexus study and as determined appropriate by the city council, and shall make the findings required by this section in establishing the amount of the fees. In addition, the city council, by resolution, may adopt additional provisions, policies, and procedures to implement and administer the provisions of this chapter. The amounts of fees and the policies and procedures adopted by resolution pursuant to this subsection shall be consistent with the purposes of this chapter and the nexus study.
   C.   At the time it considers the amount of the fees established pursuant to this section, or at the time of amending the fees other than in making an automatic annual adjustment to the fees in the manner provided by subsection E, the city council shall adopt the amount of such fees if it makes the following findings in support of such fees:
      1.   A finding that such fees have been determined and calculated in the manner consistent with the nexus study; and
      2.   The following additional findings required by the Mitigation Fee Act that demonstrate there is a nexus between the low income housing for which such fees are imposed and the need for such low income housing created by the residential development upon which the fees are imposed:
         a.   Findings that identify the purpose of the fees,
         b.   Findings that identify the use to which the fees are to be put,
         c.   Findings that demonstrate that there is a reasonable relationship between the use of the fees and the type of development project on which the fees are imposed,
         d.   Findings that demonstrate that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for low income housing and the type of residential development project on which the fees are to be imposed, and
         e.   Findings that demonstrate how there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fees and the cost of the low income housing attributable to the development project on which the fees are imposed;
      3.   In making findings pursuant to this section and any other findings, the city council may consider all matters, whether offered orally or in writing, presented at the hearing or hearings conducted for the purpose of establishing or amending the fees, and any and all oral and written material presented to the city council and planning and design commission in connection with the adoption, approval, or amendment of the nexus study.
   D.   At the time of setting the amount of the fees established pursuant to this chapter, or at the time of amending such fees other than in making an automatic annual adjustment to the fees, the city council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed fees or proposed amendment of fees in the manner required by the Mitigation Fee Act.
   E.   The fees established pursuant to this section shall be adjusted automatically to take into consideration inflation on July 1 of each year by a factor equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the construction cost index for San Francisco (based on 1913 U.S. average = 100) during the 12 months ending on the preceding March 1 as published by Engineer News Record/McGraw-Hill Construction Weekly, or any substitute index that the city council adopts by resolution. The planning director shall be responsible for calculating the adjustment, if any, to the fees and shall advise the city clerk of the amended fees.
   F.   The effective date of any resolution adopted by the city council that establishes or amends the amount of the fees imposed under this chapter shall be determined in accordance with California Government Code section 66017.
   G.   The methodologies set forth in the nexus study shall be used as the basis for setting the amount of the housing impact fees. Applicants for building or other development permits shall include plans and calculations prepared by the applicant or applicant's agent, specifying data necessary to calculate housing impact fees, including, without limitation, the square footage of each use, and other relevant data as may be required by the planning director, or authorized designee(s). All fees due under this chapter shall be determined and calculated by the planning director, or authorized designee(s).
   H.   Unless exempt from payment under section 17.712.040, no building permit or building permit extension for a project described in section 17.712.030 shall be issued or granted unless and until the full amount of the housing impact fee has been paid to the city in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   I.   The fees described in subsections A and B will be deemed "imposed" for purposes of the Mitigation Fee Act when the planning director gives the building-permit applicant a written notice that does both of the following:
      1.   States the amount of the fees as final.
      2.   Notifies the applicant that the 90-day period in which the applicant may protest has begun. (Ord. 2015-0029 § 2)