17.616.050   Exceptions to the development standards for existing development.
Legally nonconforming recycling and trash enclosures for existing development shall comply with all of the regulations in section 17.616.040 except as provided below.
   A.   Existing trash enclosure. If the existing development has an existing trash enclosure, then a receptacle adequate for the required recycling volume shall be located inside the trash enclosure. If it is not possible to locate the required recycling receptacles in the trash enclosure, the recycling receptacles shall be located adjacent to the existing trash enclosure. Any proposed modifications to the existing trash enclosure shall comply with the requirements in section 17.616.040.
   B.   No existing trash enclosure. If the existing development does not have an existing trash enclosure, the required recycling receptacles shall be located adjacent to the existing dumpster or other receptacle. Any proposed recycling and trash enclosure shall comply with the requirements listed in section 17.616.040. The required recycling volume and suggested recyclable materials are those listed in the table in section 17.616.030.
   C.   Exception-Waiver of parking requirement. To meet the required recycling volume requirement, an existing development may use one parking space for the location of the recycling receptacles, provided the enclosure or receptacles meet the design specifications in section 17.616.040. A parking space that has been converted to recycling receptacle area shall be marked for recycling and shall be adequately barricaded by the installation of concrete wheel stops or other method to prevent use as a parking space. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)