17.608.070   Waiver of minimum and maximum parking requirements.
   A.   Waiver of required off-street parking minimum. Up to and including 75% of the required number of off-street vehicle and bicycle parking spaces may be waived with a director-level site plan and design review. Greater than 75% of the required number of off-street vehicle and bicycle parking spaces may be waived with a planning and design commission site plan and design review.
   B.   Exceeding the maximum vehicle parking requirement. The maximum vehicle parking requirement for office projects or any project in the Central Business District and Arts & Entertainment parking district may be exceeded with a director-level site plan and design review, if supported by at least one of the following findings in addition to the findings specified in section 17.808.180:
      1.   Alternatives to driving to work are not available to employees of the project due to inadequate pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities;
      2.   The project will operate at times when transit service is not available or when it is not safe to walk or bicycle to the project site;
      3.   On-street parking in adjacent residential neighborhoods would be impacted by the project, and no other measures to reduce this impact (other than additional off-street parking) is feasible; or
      4.   Unique characteristics of the project require more parking than that which is otherwise allowed. (Ord. 2017-0061 § 80; Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)