17.608.010   Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish off-street vehicle and bicycle parking requirements that balance the city's goal to encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use with the goal to provide adequate off-street parking to meet the needs of shoppers, visitors, and residents, and reduce on-street parking demand on nearby residential streets. Off-street parking requirements are based on the needs of the community and consider the context of the neighborhood, transit availability, on-street parking availability, density and mix of uses, walkability, and the use of alternative modes of transportation. Parking requirements are designed to accommodate average day-to-day demand, as opposed to peak demand, in order to reduce excessive off-street parking and free up land for more economically productive uses. It is also the purpose of this chapter to provide flexibility and allow alternative means of addressing parking demand. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)