17.512.030   Formula for fees in lieu of land dedication.
   A.   The subdivider shall, in lieu of dedication of land, pay a fee equal to the value of the land prescribed for dedication in section 17.512.020 if:
      1.   There is no park or recreational facility designated in the city's recreation and park plan, community plan, or specific plan to be located in the area proposed for development;
      2.   A park site is not designated on a subdivision map to be located in whole or in part within the proposed subdivision to serve the needs of the residents of the subdivision; or
      3.   The city council requires payment of the in lieu fee. The amount of the fee shall be determined under the provisions of section 17.512.040. The fee shall be used for recreational and park facilities to serve the residents of the area being subdivided.
   B.   If the proposed subdivision contains 250 or fewer dwelling units, the subdivider shall pay a fee equal to the land value of the portion of the local park required to serve the needs of the residents of the proposed subdivision as prescribed in section 17.512.020. The amount of the fee shall be determined under the provisions of section17.512.040. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 14)