17.452.020   General provisions.
   A.   General criteria.
      1.   This chapter is intended to be used for large acreage developments capable of achieving the distinct environmental characteristics intended by the planned unit development criteria set forth in section 17.452.030.
      2.   This chapter is not intended to increase the development potential of property merely by increasing project density contrary to the regulations imposed by the zoning applicable to the property.
      3.   This chapter is not intended to be used solely to create a development potential for small or difficult parcels of property created or remaining as a result of subdividing, freeway construction, or other contributing factors.
      4.   This chapter is not intended to be used to create incompatible uses within a general neighborhood, notwithstanding the quality of the particular planned unit development proposed.
   B.   Issuance of building permits. A building permit shall not be issued for any building or structure within the boundaries of a planned unit development until the plans submitted for the building permit have been reviewed by the planning director to determine if the plans conform to the schematic plan and development guidelines adopted for the planned unit development and the site plan and design review approved for the project. No building or structure within a planned unit development may be occupied until an inspection of the project has been made by the planning director to see that all conditions of the site plan and design review have been satisfied.
   C.   Authority to adopt rules. Without limiting in any way the general and implied authority of the planning and design commission to adopt rules and statements of policy and guidance for the administration of other provisions of this title, the planning and design commission may by resolution adopt such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter as it deems necessary or desirable to carry out the purpose and intent of this chapter. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)