The following development standards apply to all development, including the expansion of existing buildings, within the Freeport SPD:
A. Setbacks. Setbacks for new structures are determined during the site plan and design review process. Setbacks must be consistent with existing development adjacent to, and in the vicinity of, the new structure. Projects with frontage on Freeport Boulevard must have setbacks sufficient to incorporate shade trees or planters into the project design.
B. Fences. Fences shall be designed to encourage free and safe pedestrian and bicycle movement between uses. New fences shall be constructed of masonry, wrought iron, or other materials consistent and compatible with the materials and architecture of adjacent buildings. No cyclone, concertina, or wire fences are permitted where visible from the public right-of-way, except that wire fencing may be installed on properties used for agricultural purposes.
C. Trees. Development projects shall be designed to preserve the existing healthy trees in the landscaping of the development, to the extent feasible.
D. Building and site design. Development shall be designed to integrate and relate to the existing construction and development in the town, including attention to the height, location, shape, and proportion of structures; parking; and the scale of the projects.
1. Entrances to buildings should address the street;
2. Rear and side elevations visible from roads or public areas shall be designed with such visibility in mind;
3. Blank walls are discouraged on elevations which face streets or public areas;
4. Elevations shall be broken with reveals, recesses, trim elements, and other architectural features to provide visual interest; and
5. Roofs shall be articulated to provide varied rooflines.
E. Loading docks and service areas.
1. Loading docks and service areas shall be screened from view by site planning, landscaping, or walls.
2. Loading docks proposed as part of future commercial development within the Freeport SPD shall be located as far as practicable from existing residences.
3. Diesel trucks shall be immediately shut off when docking is completed to avoid establishing a toxic hot spot.
F. Solid waste, recycling, and energy conservation. Solid waste and recycling enclosures shall be screened from view. Floor plans and internal features shall be designed to facilitate recycling, including recycling enclosures.
G. Mechanical equipment. Heating, cooling, antennas, and air conditioning equipment, including fans or similar devices, may be placed on the building roof, provided they are sufficiently screened from view. Mechanical equipment shall be installed consistent with the Comprehensive Flood Management Plan.
H. Building materials and colors.
1. Materials. Building façades shall be finished with materials in a variation of textures and colors to avoid blank façades and to diminish the massing effect of the structure.
2. Architectural features such as awnings, overhangs, arcades, and other similar enhancements are encouraged and are allowed within setbacks and within the sidewalk portion of the public street or other right-of-way, subject to all applicable requirements, including an encroachment permit.
3. Acceptable roofing materials include wood shake, clay and concrete tile, composition shingles, and standing seam non-reflective metal.
4. Variety in building façades shall be achieved, in part, by using a variety of colors. Building colors and materials shall add to the visual interest of the buildings. Innovative colors and textures may be used, with brighter and more radiant color choices used primarily for accent or trim purposes, or detailing relating to pedestrian areas.
I. The visual impact of parking areas should be reduced by integrating landscaping, hedges, berming or swales, planted islands, and fingers into the parking area as well as the perimeter.
J. Signage. Notwithstanding chapter 15.148, the design, location, size, and type of signage proposed for each development project is subject to review and approval during the plan review process and may be subject to conditions necessary to ensure the purpose and intent of this chapter.
K. Lighting.
1. Lighting shall not produce hazardous or annoying glare to motorists, building occupants, adjacent residents, or the public.
2. Lighting shall be designed to provide safety, comfort, and security for occupants of the development and the public.
3. Lighting shall be oriented away from adjacent properties within the SPD, and shall not produce a glare or re-flection or any nuisance, inconvenience, or hazardous interference on adjoining streets or property. The source of the light shall not be visible from adjacent property or a public street. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)