A. The Railyards Special Planning District (SPD) establishes procedures to implement the policies, development standards, and design guidelines of the Railyards Specific Plan, which governs reuse of the Railyards site as a transit-oriented mixed-use district. The Railyards Specific Plan designates the land uses within the boundaries of the Rail-yards Specific Plan area and is the primary policy and regulatory document used to guide redevelopment of proper-ties within the Railyards site.
B. The goals of the Railyards SPD are to:
1. Create, facilitate, and encourage the development of a dynamic 24-hour mixed-use urban environment that provides a range of complementary uses that will make the site a regional destination;
2. Create cohesive mixed-use neighborhoods that contain a variety of integrated housing types;
3. Protect the historic integrity of the site and ensure that new construction complements existing historic resources and creates a culturally-vibrant, urban community;
4. Provide connectivity between the districts within the Railyards SPD, utilizing pedestrian-friendly streetscapes;
5. Provide a mixture of transit-oriented uses that complement and support the Sacramento Valley Station and 7th Street transit station;
6. Create a sustainable community that utilizes green building technology and renewable energy sources;
7. Connect and integrate development with vibrant open space along the Sacramento River; and
8. Facilitate infill redevelopment of the Railyards by allowing a broad mixture of uses and flexible development standards, including a range of residential and hotel densities and nonresidential building intensities within each district and land use designation. (Ord. 2021-0011 § 2; Ord. 2016-0045 § 2)