17.404.010   Purpose and intent.
   A.   General. The rules and regulations established by this chapter to govern development within the Broadway-Stockton Special Planning District (SPD) are designed to improve the image and competitiveness of this commercial corridor by drawing upon the area's existing assets, including historic buildings, landmarks, multi-cultural commerce, medical facilities, and surrounding neighborhoods.
The city council finds and declares that, given the history, nature, and scope of development patterns in the Broadway-Stockton area, special rules are necessary to revitalize the area.
   B.   Goals. The Broadway-Stockton SPD regulations are intended to implement applicable recommendations of the Broadway-Stockton urban design plan (Resolution RA98-043, adopted by the redevelopment agency of the city on September 15, 1998), and to encourage development that is consistent with the following goals:
      1.   Encourage revitalization efforts within three "catalyst" areas identified in the Broadway-Stockton urban design plan. (See Figures 16-18, urban design plan.) These areas include properties in the vicinity of Broadway at 35th Street, Broadway at Stockton Boulevard (medical center), and Stockton Boulevard at Fruitridge Road (international marketplace). Goals specific to these areas are as follows:
         a.   Preserve and reuse the unique and historic storefront buildings along Broadway near 35th Street and the northern portion of Stockton Boulevard. Neighborhood-serving uses are encouraged in this area.
         b.   Retain and improve the character, quality, and vitality of the unique multi-cultural commercial district along the southern portion of the SPD along Stockton Boulevard. Stores supporting the international marketplace theme and supporting multi-cultural shops and services are encouraged.
         c.   Encourage the further expansion of the medical center campus and supporting uses, and encourage uses that serve the medical facilities and their employees.
      2.   Discourage or prohibit uses that are incompatible with residential neighborhoods or that contribute to visual or economic blight.
      3.   Encourage a mixture of residential and commercial mixed-use projects, as well as cultural and entertainment uses. Where possible, these uses shall be designed to accommodate pedestrian, bicycling, and transit opportunities.
      4.   Enhance the bike and pedestrian connections and accessibility between the commercial uses on Broadway and Stockton Boulevard and the surrounding residential neighborhoods.
      5.   Encourage reduction of motor vehicle parking requirements for new commercial development as allowed by this title as a means of attracting desirable businesses.
      6.   Encourage the use of bicycle parking in accordance with designs preferred by the city-county bicycle advisory committee.
      7.   Promote aesthetic improvements to the area by implementing the development standards and design guidelines, as provided in sections 17.404.040 and 17.404.050. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)