17.312.120   Referrals to the airport land use commission.
   A.   Prior to action by the planning director, planning and design commission, or city council, the following proposed actions shall be referred to the airport land use commission for review and determination of compatibility: adoption or amendment of a general plan, specific plan, zoning ordinance, or building regulation, that could affect the area within the executive airport planning area in a manner inconsistent with the purposes articulated in section 17.312.010.
   B.   Upon timely receipt by the planning director of a determination by the airport land use commission that a proposed action is inconsistent with the executive airport comprehensive land use plan, the planning and design commission shall, in a public hearing, review and consider that determination. The planning and design commission shall recommend to the city council approval, conditional approval, or denial of the proposed action. The proposed action shall then be heard in a public hearing before the city council. The city council may approve or conditionally approve the proposal only with a two-thirds or greater vote and adoption of specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes of the state Airport Land Use Law in California Public Utilities Code section 21670 et seq.
   C.   In the event that the airport land use commission fails to notify the planning director of its determination on a proposed action within 60 days from the receipt of the proposed action, the proposed action shall be deemed consistent with the executive airport comprehensive land use plan, and may thereafter be approved, conditionally approved, or denied in the manner provided in this chapter, or other provisions of this title or code. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)