17.312.050   Executive Airport (EA) overlay zones.
   A.   The EA designation appearing after a land use classification on the official zoning map means the property is subject to the requirements and restrictions set forth in this chapter in addition to those of the underlying zone. If a provision in this chapter conflicts with another provision in this title, the most restrictive provision applies. Airport safety areas are established to minimize the number of people exposed to aircraft crash hazards. This is accomplished by placing restrictions on land uses in various safety areas.
   B.   The EA designation is applied to the area included within the four airport zones, as generally delineated on Figure 11 of the 1999 CLUP (Exhibit A at the end of this chapter). The four safety areas are: the clear zone; the approach-departure zone 1; the approach-departure zone 2; and the overflight zone. The clear zone (EA-1) is near the end of the runway and is the most restrictive. The approach-departure zones (EA-2, EA-3) are located under the takeoff and landing slopes and are less restrictive. The overflight zone (EA-4) is the area under the traffic pattern and is the least restrictive. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)