17.228.120   Fuel storage yard.
   A.   No fuel storage yard shall be established or located within 1,000 feet, measured from the nearest property lines of each of the affected parcels, of any existing residential zone or residential use.
   B.   Notwithstanding chapters 17.216 and 17.220, a planning and design commission conditional use permit is required to establish a fuel storage yard that:
      1.   Is located on a parcel that is greater than two acres;
      2.   Contains one or more tanks of 500 gallon or greater capacity containing liquefied or compressed flammable or combustible gases;
      3.   Generates or manufactures liquefied or compressed flammable or combustible gases on the site; and
      4.   Distributes liquefied or compressed flammable or combustible gases in containers with a capacity of greater than 20 gallons. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)