17.220.540   MIP zone-Development standards specific to the MIP zone.
   A.   Storage. No outside storage is permitted, except that company vehicles incidental to the primary use may be parked outside if the vehicles are screened by a solid masonry wall no less than 6 feet in height or by equivalent screening using landscaping and earth berms, so that no vehicles are visible from adjacent public streets.
   B.   Enclosed building requirements. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, with the exception of off-street parking spaces, off-street loading facilities, storage of company vehicles, employee recreational areas, and childcare center recreational areas.
   C.   Landscaping.
      1.   Minimum landscape coverage per parcel is 15 percent.
      2.   Front and street side-yard setbacks shall be landscaped with evergreen trees, shrubs, and groundcover, and shall be irrigated with permanent timed automatic underground systems.
      3.   Setbacks abutting public or private streets shall be landscaped with undulating berms that screen parking areas from the streets. Berm height will be determined in connection with each special permit.
      4.   Seventy-five feet of the rear and interior yard setbacks immediately abutting residentially used, zoned, or designated property shall be landscaped consistent with the PUD development guidelines adopted for the area, including trees capable of reaching a height of 30 feet at maturity planted at least every 30 feet along the barrier wall.
   D.   Exterior building and wall materials.
      1.   Finished building materials shall be applied to all sides of a building, including trash enclosures and mechanical and communications equipment screens.
      2.   Exterior wall materials shall be compatible with those used on other buildings in the industrial park. Examples of acceptable exterior materials are stucco, textured concrete, wood, glass, brick, stone, and masonry.
      3.   Building colors shall be harmonious and compatible with the colors of other buildings in the industrial park and with the natural surroundings. The general overall palette shall be earth tones.
   E.   Signs.
      1.   Designated park identification sign.
         a.   One monument sign, as defined in section 15.148.1170, is allowed per designated industrial park. Directly-illuminated signs are prohibited. Indirectly-illuminated signs are subject to planning staff review and approval.
         b.   Maximum area: 40 square feet.
         c.   Maximum height: five feet, measured at grade directly behind the sidewalk.
         d.   Location. The sign shall be located at the major entry to the designated park. The sign may be placed in the setback area; however, it must be located farther than 10 feet from both the public right-of-way and any driveway. No sign shall be allowed in the public right-of-way.
      2.   Detached signs.
         a.   One monument sign, as defined in section 15.148.1170, is allowed per parcel. Directly-illuminated signs are prohibited. Indirectly-illuminated signs are subject to planning staff review and approval.
         b.   Maximum area: 40 square feet.
         c.   Maximum height: five feet, measured at grade directly behind the sidewalk.
         d.   Location. The sign shall be located at the major entry to the parcel. The sign may be placed in the setback area; however, the sign must be located farther than 10 feet from both the public right-of-way and any driveway.
      3.   Attached signs.
         a.   One attached sign, as defined in section 15.148.1170, is allowed per tenant. Each sign and business name shall be of individual raised-letter type. Canned plastic signs are not permitted.
         b.   Maximum area. The total area of an attached sign shall not exceed 30 square feet, except that a building occupied by only one tenant is allowed a maximum of 60 square feet. The vertical height of the sign or letters, including logo, shall not exceed 2 feet.
         c.   Location. The attached sign shall be placed flat against the wall of the building in which the business is located. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)