17.216.440   EC zone-Site planning and design.
   A.   Building orientation. Buildings shall be oriented so the active, people-oriented functions face the street to the maximum extent possible. Service and loading areas shall be located away from the street, to the side or rear areas of the parcel.
   B.   Building height.
      1.   General rule. The following chart indicates the allowable building heights in each EC zone:
Building Height
Bldg. Ht. (# of floors)
8 (see subsection B.2 below)
      2.   EC-80 building height exception. The height limit within one-eighth mile of the sports complex and town center LRT stations in North Natomas may be exceeded, subject to approval by the city. Also, the height limit for hotels and motels within the EC-80 zone may be exceeded, subject to approval by the city.
   C.   Parking. Required parking ratios shall be provided in the PUD development guidelines. Parking shall be provided in the rear of buildings, with alternative commute spaces located nearest the building entrances. Parking shall be located in areas that do not impede pedestrian circulation. Joint parking allowances for proximate uses shall be identified in the PUD development guidelines. Surface parking shall be designed to allow for future development of uses or structured parking when the intensity of the site is increased. Structured parking shall not be developed in a manner that discourages or precludes future development, redevelopment, or infill opportunities.
   D.   Provision of open space. Each EC PUD shall provide open space in the form of public plazas, courtyards, and landscaped parks that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation. Plazas and open space developed in conjunction with office buildings shall be accessible to the public and shall be oriented to pedestrian linkages through-out the area. Open space shall be located adjacent to people-oriented uses, such as small retail shops or restaurants. Specific site design will be guided by PUD development guidelines. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)