17.216.410   EC zone-Categories of permitted intensity.
The EC zone has several categories of permitted intensity, ranging from 30 employees per net acre (EC-30) to 80 employees per acre (EC-80). The intensity designation will be determined by proximity to planned transit service, freeway and roadway access, maintaining or improving housing opportunities, and maintaining or improving the environmental qualities in the EC PUD. Within a planned unit development or community plan land use cell, EC and other zones can vary depending on the location of the particular site within the planned unit development. For instance, within an EC-50 designated area, the site adjacent to a proposed light rail station could be zoned EC-80-PUD for intense office uses; the site furthest away from transit could be zoned M-1(S)-PUD for light industrial uses; and the site between could be zoned EC-50 for less intense office uses with support retail on the ground floor. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)