Three types of zoning regulations control the use and development of property:
A. Land use regulations specify land uses permitted or conditionally permitted in each zoning district, and may include special requirements for specific uses. Five types of land use regulations, along with their location in this title, are listed below:
2. Overlay zones, chapters 17.300 through 17.344;
4. Planned unit developments (PUDs), chapter 17.452. Land use regulations for PUDs are set forth in PUD schematic plans and development guidelines adopted individually for each PUD development, separate from this title; and
B. Development and design standards control the height, bulk, location, and appearance of structures on development sites. Development standards pertaining to height and density; lot width, area, and coverage; setbacks and open space; and architectural design standards are located in the individual zoning chapters in division II. Generally applicable development standards pertaining to parking; landscaping and paving; recycling and solid waste; walls, fences, and gates; and accessory structures are located in division VI. Development standards for development projects within a PUD are set forth in the project's PUD development guidelines, separate from this title.
C. Administrative regulations contain detailed procedures for the administration and enforcement of this title, including requirements for public hearings, notice, and appeals and processes for various permits and requests, including plan amendments, rezoning, site plan and design reviews, conditional use permits, and variances. Administrative regulations are located in Division VIII. (Ord. 2024-0017 § 3;Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)