15.148.930   Special sign districts.
   The owners of sixty (60) percent or more of the street frontage, in feet, of properties on both sides of the street in any defined area may petition the planning and design commission for the creation of special sign district for the purpose of creating an integrated special sign theme in the area. The planning and design commission shall hold a public hearing on such a request after notifying all property owners, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, between such intersecting streets by mail at least ten
      (10) days prior to the hearing. After such hearing the planning and design commission, if it deems it appropriate, shall make recommendations to the city council and the city council shall hold a hearing and give notice as provided in this section for the hearing held before the planning and design commission. The city council may thereafter adopt an ordinance establishing a special sign district and setting forth the regulations applicable to such district. The city council may amend the ordinance establishing and setting forth the regulations applicable in the special sign district, provided that prior to such an amendment a notice of the proposed amendment has been published once in the official newspaper of the city not less than ten (10) days prior to the hearing on the adoption of the proposed amendment.
   The city council may repeal the ordinance establishing and setting forth the regulations of the special sign district provided that prior to such repeal a notice has been given and a hearing has been held in accordance with the provisions of this section relating to the establishment of the special sign district. (Ord. 2012-004 § 38; prior code § 3.12.199)