15.148.060   Issuance of sign permits.
   A.   Within thirty (30) days after submission of an application for a sign permit, the chief building official shall do one of the following:
      1.   If the chief building official determines that the proposed sign complies with all applicable laws and regulations, then the chief building official shall issue the permit.
      2.   If the chief building official determines that the application is incomplete or that the proposed sign does not comply with all applicable laws and regulations, then the chief building official shall issue a notice to the applicant that identifies the deficiencies. Within thirty (30) days after receiving the notice, the applicant may correct the deficiencies and resubmit the application without paying any additional fees, and the chief building official shall process the resubmission in the same way that new applications are processed. Only one resubmission is allowed. If the chief building official determines that a resubmitted application is still incomplete or that the proposed sign still does not comply with all applicable laws and regulations, then the application will be deemed denied.
   B.   An application will be deemed denied if the chief building official does not act on it as required by subsection (A)(1) or (A)(2) within thirty (30) days after the application is submitted or resubmitted unless the applicant has waived the thirty (30) day requirement.
   C.   Every sign permit issued by the chief building official will expire if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days after the issuance date of the permit or if the work is suspended or abandoned for one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days or more after the work is commenced. Before the work may be commenced or resumed after expiration, a new permit must first be obtained, and the fee therefor will be one-half the amount required for a new permit for the work, except as follows: if changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for the work, or if the suspension or abandonment exceeds one year, then the fee will be the same as the fee for a new permit.
   D.   The chief building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a sign permit whenever the permit is issued on the basis of a material omission or misstatement of fact or in violation of this chapter or any ordinance.
   E.   When deciding whether to issue, deny, suspend, or revoke a permit, the chief building official shall not consider the content or graphic design of messages other than to determine legality under federal or state law. (Ord. 2016-0010 § 1; Ord. 2013-0025 § 4; prior code § 3.03.043)