No tent or canvas covered structure for use as a place of assembly shall be erected or maintained unless provisions are made for the following:
A. Aisle and Exit Lighting. Adequate aisles and exits properly lighted and marked.
B. Passageways. Lighted and unobstructed passages to areas well away from the tent structure.
C. First-Aid Appliances. Sufficient first-aid fire and appliances approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters to be distributed throughout without operating personnel familiar with the operation of such equipment available and asigned during the use of such structure for a place of assembly.
D. Precautions Against Smoking. An employee at each entrance to require the extinguishment of cigarettes and cigars and other smoking material, upon entering, and sufficient "No Smoking" signs visible at all times.
E. Safeguards for Open Flames. The proper safeguarding of any use of open flame or its use prohibited.
F. Structure Free From Dry Grass, Trash, Etc. Straw or dry grass and combustible trash to be cleared from the structure.
G. Facilities for Calling the Fire Department. Proper facilities for the calling of the fire department.
H. Special Fire Equipment. Such special fire equipment of the city to attend at such structure during its use as a place of assembly as the fire chief may decide necessary for proper fire protection.
I. Attendance of Special Police Officers. The attendance of such special police officers to be appointed by the chief of police as the fire chief may decide necessary for the control of the persons in the assembly, to prevent over-crowding, obstruction of aisles and exits, and such other control as may be necessary to render the occupation of such structure by the public safe, such officers to be employed at the expense of the permittee.
J. Announcement That Smoking is Prohibited. Announcement to the persons in the assembly of the fact that smoking within the structure is prohibited.
K. Flameproofing Certain Materials. The tent and canvas part of the structure, and all combustible decorative materials, including curtains, acoustic materials, streamers, cloth, cotton batting, straw, vines, leaves, trees and moss shall be rendered flameproof.
L. Approval of Structure by Fire Chief. The fire chief finds that such structure will not constitute a fire hazard and be dangerous to persons and property when used for the purpose specified in the application.
M. Sanitation Facilities. The city health officer approves of the provisions made for the sanitation facilities on and near the premises on which the structure is maintained or is to be maintained. (Prior code § 43.01.001)