15.116.050   Numbers to be used in each block.
   One hundred (100) numbers, or as many as may be necessary, shall be allotted to each block on streets running easterly from Front Street and southerly from A Street; numbers one hundred (100), two hundred (200) and three hundred (300), being respectively the numbers for commencing the blocks at Front, Second and Third Streets; and A, B, and C Streets on the side designated for even numbers; and numbers one hundred one (101), two hundred one (201), and three hundred one (301) in similar manner on the side designated for odd numbers, so that the number one hundred (100) will be at Front Street and A Street, two hundred (200) at Second Street and B Street, three hundred (300) at Third Street and C Street, and so on throughout their extent. Twenty (20) feet in frontage of all buildings and vacant lots of ground shall be allowed for each number. (Prior code § 38.04.050)