15.88.430   Stop work order.
   A.   Whenever any work is being done in violation of the provisions of the grading ordinance or any other applicable law, ordinance, rule or regulation, the director may order the work stopped by serving written notice of such violation on any persons engaged in, doing, or causing such work to be done. Any such person shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the director to proceed with the work. If there are no persons present on the premises, the notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place. The notice shall state the nature of the violation. Any person violating a stop work order shall be guilty of an infraction.
   B.   Upon receipt of or knowledge of the existence of such stop work notice, the person performing the work shall:
      1.   Stop work immediately; and
      2.   Within twenty-four (24) hours, provide the director with a list of remedies which can be immediately undertaken to bring the work into compliance with this title; and
      3.   Within twenty-four (24) hours after acceptance of such remedies by the director, undertake at the violator's expense, such action as is necessary to bring the work into compliance with this title.
      4.   If engineering work is required to identify and define the proper course of action, as determined by the director, such work shall be provided by the violator at no cost to the city. (Prior code § 9.35.1903)