15.88.190   Grading prior to issuance of building permit or approval of improvement plans.
   Applicants for a permit to allow grading prior to issuance of a building permit or approval of improvement plans shall meet the following requirements:
   A.   Preliminary grading plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the director. This plan shall conform to the requirements of the grading ordinance and any applicable conditions placed on the project as a result of any formal discretionary permit process. The applicant shall acknowledge that any additional grading or revisions to work necessitated by conflicts discovered during the improvement plan check or subsequent construction will be corrected at the applicant's expense.
   B.   Both erosion and sediment control plans in accordance with provisions of Article III of this chapter, plans and specifications, of the grading ordinance shall be submitted for review and approval by the director.
   C.   A winterization certification shall be submitted for review and approval by the director in accordance with Section 15.88.270 of this chapter.
   D.   Plan check and inspection fee deposit shall be required in the amount of the full plan check fee applicable at the time of submittal in accordance with Section 15.88.310 of this chapter.
   E.   No grading permit shall be issued until all applicable CEQA requirements have been met. (Prior code § 9.32.1603)