15.88.090   Conditions of grading approval.
   A.   No grading shall be approved unless the project conforms with the city's general plan, any adopted specific or community plans, and applicable city ordinances, including the Planning and Development Code and the subdivision ordinance.
   B.   Where the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation and approval of environmental documents concerning a project which will result in grading for which a grading permit is required under this chapter, no grading shall be approved until all CEQA requirements have been met, including, but not limited to, mitigation measures relating to protection of threatened and endangered species under applicable federal and state endangered species laws. Where the land proposed to be graded is located within the North Natomas Community Plan Area or the South Natomas Community Plan Area, grading permits may be issued, provided that the conditions contained in Section 15.88.091 are satisfied.
   C.   Where a proposed grading project requires the filing of a tentative map or the intended use requires approval of a discretionary zoning permit or variance, grading may also require approval from the city planning and building department.
   D.   Work shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the grading ordinance and the applicable criteria set forth in the manual of standards.
   E.   Grading approval shall be limited to work shown on the grading plans as approved by the director. The director may impose any condition deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, to prevent the creation of a hazard to public or private property, and/or to assure proper completion of the grading, including, but not limited to, the following:
      1.   Mitigation of adverse environmental impacts as disclosed by any environmental document findings, including, but not limited to, those matters specified in subsection B of this section;
      2.   Improvement of any existing grading to comply with the standards of the grading ordinance;
      3.   Requirements for fencing or other protection of grading which would otherwise be hazardous;
      4.   Requirements for dust, erosion, sediment and noise control, hours of operation and season of work, access roads and haul routes;
      5.   Requirements for safeguarding watercourses, whether natural or manmade, from excessive deposition of sediment or debris. In no case shall deposition of sediment or debris cause an exceedance of applicable water quality standards;
      6.   Assurance that the land area in which grading is proposed and for which habitable structures are proposed is not subject to hazards of land slippage or significant settlement or erosion and that the hazards of flooding can be eliminated or adequately reduced;
      7.   Requirements for safeguarding existing water wells. (Ord. 2013-0021 § 46; Ord. 2001-021 § 1; Ord. 2001-014 § 3; prior code § 9.31.1509)