15.04.150   Utility service-Connection before inspection.
   No person shall make a utility connection to a building or structure for the purpose of supplying gas or electricity to such building or structure until the chief building official has inspected all facilities and equipment in or on such building or structure to be serviced by such utility supply and has authorized such connection. No person shall permit any connection to be made to any existing utility supply to a building or structure, previously approved by the chief building official, for the purpose of putting into use any equipment that has been replaced, repaired, added, altered, or enlarged until the chief building official has inspected such installation and authorized such connection. Whenever the chief building official finds that any utility distribution system or any energy supply there from has been connected to any facility or equipment in or on any building or structure, or that any equipment has been replaced, repaired, added, altered, or enlarged and such equipment connected to a utility source, whether directly or indirectly, without the chief building official's authorization, the chief building official may cause such utility supply to be disconnected from such building or structure or require the utility supply to be disconnected by the person who connected it. Every person engaged in the distribution for sale of electrical or gas energy or owning or operating any electrical or gas distribution system shall be held responsible for all supply or service connections from the distribution system owned or operated by him or her. (Ord. 2011-026 § 2)