13.24.750   Inspection authority and re-inspection fees.
   A.   The solid waste manager is authorized to inspect waste material collection areas on any property within the city for compliance with this chapter.
   B.   When a violation occurs for non-compliance with solid waste or recycling mandates in this chapter, the solid waste manager may issue a notice of violation, administrative enforcement order, administrative penalty, or any combination thereof, and schedule a re-inspection.
   C.   When a violation continues to exist following the first inspection and according to the timeframe for mandatory correction established by the notice of non-compliance, which shall be no less than 30 days and no more than 90 days, there shall be, upon re-inspection, a re-inspection fee imposed against the responsible person. Should a violation continue following the re-inspection, additional re-inspections shall be conducted and applicable re-inspection fees may be imposed. (Ord. 2023-0024 § 83; Ord. 2021-0003 § 15)