13.24.340   On-site storage and container requirements.
   A.   All waste material containers must have tightly fitted covers and must not leak or permit the escape of odors. The solid waste manager may require special container equipment or container labeling with customer identifying information, in designated areas. Special equipment may include, but is not limited to, functioning locking mechanisms. Notwithstanding the requirements of this section:
      1.   Generators are not required to set out or store recyclable or organic materials together with solid waste; and
      2.   Generators are allowed to appropriately store recyclable or organic materials for collection separate from solid waste.
   B.   Every franchisee shall ensure that containers are clearly identified with the name, or recognizable corporate or company logo, and phone number of the franchisee that is legible from a distance of 50 feet. Containers must identify the type or types of waste material for which it is intended to be used. Containers must be kept free of graffiti.
   C.   All containers used for the collection of waste materials must meet the requirements of this chapter and must be franchisee-owned or generator-owned, such as a grocery store chain or construction contractor that generates waste and owns their own containers.
   D.   Violations of this chapter may be referred by the solid waste manager for further enforcement actions. In addition, violations of this chapter, which are also material terms and conditions agreed to by franchisee in the franchise agreement and constitute franchisee contractual obligations, may constitute a material breach of a franchise agreement which may subject the franchisee to payment of liquidated damages. (Ord. 2023-0024 § 52; Ord. 2021-0003 § 15)