13.24.100   Franchise terms and conditions.
   A.   All franchises granted to persons pursuant to this chapter are nonexclusive to allow franchisees to compete with each other for commercial solid waste, recycling, or organic service accounts. No provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to require restricting the number of franchises to one or any particular number, and no provision of this chapter is deemed to require granting any franchise if it is determined that the grant of any such franchise does not serve the public interest.
   B.   All franchises are subject to the terms and conditions specified in this chapter and in the franchise agreement, and to all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations.
   C.   In granting any franchise, the solid waste manager may prescribe such other additional terms and conditions, not in conflict with this chapter, as in the judgment of the solid waste manager are in the public interest.
   D.   Each franchisee shall:
      1.   Provide services without undue interruptions caused by mechanical failures or other inadequacies of equipment;
      2.   Utilize equipment in quantities and of an age and quality adequate for the provisions of reliable service; and
      3.   Provide preventive maintenance and repair of such equipment sufficient to ensure reliability. (Ord. 2023-0024 § 39; Ord. 2021-0003 § 15)