13.16.110   Acts potentially resulting in violation of Federal Clean Water Act and/or Porter-Cologne Act.
   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any provision of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter or any cease and desist order, prohibition, or effluent limitation, or who discharges waste or wastewater that contains pollutants, may also be in violation of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and/or Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (California Water Code Section 13000 et seq.) and may be subject to the sanctions and remedies of those acts including civil and criminal penalties. The provisions or enforcement of this chapter shall not affect or limit in any way the applicability of those acts nor the enforcement of any sanctions, remedies or penalties under those acts. (Ord. 2004-042 § 1; Ord. 98-007 § 1; prior code § 87.01.111)