13.08.540   Boundaries.
   The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
   All that portion of the northwest one-quarter of section 36, township 9 north, range 4 east, M. D. B. & M., described as follows:
   Beginning at a point on the west right-of-way line of Bannon Street from which an iron pipe monument set to mark the point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of said Bannon Street with the northerly right-of-way line of North B Street as said point is described in that certain deed executed by James F. Deyo to Gilroy E. Cottle recorded in the office of the recorder of Sacramento County bears the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) south 00 16? 46? east 56.65 feet and (2) south 14 44? 26? east 139.85 feet; thence from said point of beginning south 44 57? 44? east 84.52 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of said Bannon Street; thence north 89 43? 45? east 149.94 feet; thence north 00 16? 15? west 300.00 feet; thence north 89 43? 45? east 150.00 feet; thence north 85 11? 41? east 60.19 feet; thence north 89 43? 45? east 156.51 feet to a point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of the southern pacific railroad; thence north 47 24? 45? east 85.00 feet; thence south 42 35? 15? east 222.27 feet; thence north 18 21? 55? east 440.28 feet; thence north 71 44? 05? west 290.00 feet; thence north 20 45? 12? west 126.73 feet; thence north 71 44? 05? west 200.00 feet; thence south 18 21? 55? west 221.20 feet to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of the southern pacific railroad; thence south 77 29? 24? west 98.23 feet; thence south 60 07? 45? west 50.61 feet; thence south 00 16? 15? east 87.97 feet; thence south 70 40? 45? west 163.00 feet to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of said Bannon Street; thence north 78 44? 39? west 63.82 feet to a point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Bannon Street; thence south 89 43? 14? west 133.02 feet; thence south 00 16? 46? east 445.41 feet; thence north 89 43? 14? east 140.13 feet to the point of beginning. (Prior code § 36.12.901)