Unless the context requires otherwise, whenever the words or terms defined in this section occur in this chapter, they shall have the following meanings:
"Air conditioning or refrigeration system" means any combination of equipment, whether compressor or other type, by which heat is removed from or added to the air, and from which the accumulated heat is wholly or partially removed or added by the use of water. Evaporative coolers are included in this definition.
"Best management practices (BMPs)" mean activities, prohibition of practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices by a food service establishment to minimize the discharge of fats, oils and grease into the public sewer system.
"Building official" means the chief building official of the city of Sacramento, or authorized representatives.
"City" means the city of Sacramento, California.
"City council" means the city council of the city of Sacramento, California.
"City manager" means the city manager of the city of Sacramento or authorized representatives.
"City sewer main" means a public sewer main that is owned, operated and maintained by the city.
"Combined sewer main" means a public sewer main that is owned, operated and maintained by the city as part of the combined sewer system.
"Combined sewer system" means the portion of the city sewer system that collects and conveys both sanitary sewage and stormwater and surface runoff. Combined sewer system flows receive treatment in accordance with applicable sewage treatment requirements before being discharged to the Sacramento River.
"Commercial sewer service" means the provision of sewer collection service to premises used for a business, trade, manufacturing or processing activity, including without limitation hotels, motels, rest homes, schools and all other services not hereinafter defined as a "domestic sewer service." The provision of sewer service to premises used for both commercial and domestic purposes shall be considered commercial sewer service.
"Cooling water" means the water discharged from any air conditioning or refrigeration system or similar use.
"Customer" means the owner of the property to which sewer service or storm drain service is rendered, or an association managing a condominium project billed for sewer service or storm drain service pursuant to subsection (A)(1) of Section 13.04.220. As used herein, "association" and "condominium project" have the meanings specified in Section 13.12.010.
"Department" means the department of utilities of the city of Sacramento, California.
"Director" means the director of the department, or authorized representatives.
"District" means the Sacramento regional county sanitation district.
"Domestic sewer service" means the provision of sewer collection service to premises with one or more residential dwelling units, excluding the provision of sewer collection service herein defined as "commercial sewer service."
"Enforcement official" means the director, or any other official or employee authorized by the city council or by any applicable statute or ordinance to enforce compliance with this chapter.
"ESFD" means equivalent single-family dwelling unit.
"FOG" means fats, oils or grease.
"Food service establishment (FSE)" means any public or private facility in the city of Sacramento that receives commercial sewer service and prepares or serves food, including, but not limited to, restaurants, hospitals, schools, hotels and cafeterias.
"Industrial wastes" mean liquid wastes from industrial processes.
"Person" means any person, company, partnership, agency or other public or private entity.
"Private sewer line" means a customer's private sewer line that connects to the city sewer main, including that portion of the private sewer line located within the public right-of-way.
"Private storm drain line" means a customer's private storm drain line that connects to the city storm drain main or the combined sewer system, including that portion of the private storm drain line located within the public right-of-way.
"Public sewer system" means all sewer mains, pipes, manholes, pumping stations and other facilities owned or operated by a public agency to collect and convey sewage or combined sewage and storm drainage in the city of Sacramento, including the city sewer system.
"Rendered," when used to describe sewer service or storm drain service being rendered, means that the service is provided or otherwise made available for use.
"Room" means an area with a minimum of fifty (50) square feet that is structurally or functionally distinct from other rooms or areas in a residential dwelling unit receiving domestic sewer service or storm drain service, as determined by the department in accordance with the department's billing criteria.
"Sanitary sewage" means any wastewater discharging into the public sewer system that contains human or animal excreta, offal or any feculent matter.
"Sanitary sewer" means any portion of the public sewer system that carries sanitary sewage.
"Separate sewer system" means the portion of the city sewer system that collects and conveys sewage, and to which storm, surface, and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted, except as specifically authorized in this chapter. Separate sewer system flows receive treatment in accordance with applicable sewage treatment requirements before being discharged to the Sacramento River.
"Service connection" means the physical connection of a private sewer pipe or private storm drain pipe to the city sewer main or city storm drain main.
"Sewer point of service" means the location where the city sewer main connects to the private sewer line.
"Sewer service" means the service provided by the city sewer system to collect and convey sewage from customers who pay for either commercial sewer service or domestic sewer service.
"Standard specifications" mean the standard specifications for public works construction of the city of Sacramento, adopted by Resolution No. 89-216 (June 1989), or such other standard specifications as hereafter may be adopted by the city council.
"Storm drain point of service" means the point within the public right-of-way up to which department personnel perform inspection, maintenance and repair of the city storm drain main and, to the extent provided by the provisions of this chapter, may inspect, maintain or repair a portion of the customer's private storm drain line, as defined in Section 13.08.200 of this code.
"Storm drain service" means the service provided by the storm drain system to collect and convey stormwater and surface runoff.
"Storm drain system" means the system of drain inlets, storm drain mains, pipes, manholes, ditches, pumping stations and other facilities owned or operated by the city to collect and convey stormwater and surface runoff, including the "stormwater conveyance system" described in Chapter 13.16 of this code, but excluding any storm drain facilities connected to the combined sewer system, that, for purposes of this chapter, are considered to be combined sewer system facilities.
"Wastewater" means any combination of sanitary sewage, industrial wastes or other water-carried wastes from any residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, or other structure, building, facility or establishment of any kind, whether or not ground water, surface water or stormwater also is present.
" 'Y' cleanout" means a one-way cleanout installed on the customer's private sewer line in conformance with the standard specifications, that is used to inspect and maintain the portion of the customer's private sewer line between the sewer point of service and the city sewer main. (Ord. 2013-0014 § 23; Ord. 2011-051 § 8; Ord. 2005-020 § 2)