A. Whenever this article allows the director to consent to a variation from one or more requirements of this article or authorize a person to perform an act otherwise prohibited, the director may give consent or authorization on a case-by-case basis, on such conditions as the director may specify, if the director determines:
1. There is no practical alternative manner for the person to accomplish the desired result;
2. A variation is needed to avoid an undue hardship; or
3. The desired result is of substantial importance when compared with the importance of conserving water resources as set forth in this article.
B. Any person requesting a variation from one or more requirements in this article shall comply with all application requirements specified by the department, and shall pay any fee established by resolution of the city council for payment of the department's application processing costs. Director-approved variations will be issued for a term of two years, unless a different term is specified by the director. (Ord. 2017-0045 § 5; Ord. 2009-050 § 1; Ord. 2009-026 § 1)