12.88.440   Abandonment of personal property prohibited.
   No person shall abandon any personal property on the airport. (Prior code § 4.02.063)
12.88.450   Carrying or possessing firearms, explosives, etc., at airport restricted.
   No persons, except duly authorized peace officers, post office, airport and air-carrier employees or members of the armed forces of the United States on official duty, shall carry any firearms, explosives or inflammable materials on the airport without the written permission of the airport manager. All persons other than the excepted classes shall surrender all such objects in their possession to the first officer or guard on the airport. (Prior code § 4.02.064)
12.88.460   Restriction on presence of dogs.
   No person shall enter the terminal building or landing area of the airport with a dog or other animal except a seeing-eye dog. Dogs and other animals may be permitted in other areas of the airport if restrained by leash or confined in such manner as to be under control. (Prior code § 4.02.065)