12.72.210   Provisions for other activities and authority to close parks and buildings.
   A.   The director may allow activities in buildings and parks that are not otherwise covered by this chapter. In so doing, the director shall act to secure the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and to further the maximum use of the parks and buildings for the comfort and convenience of all.
   B.   The city manager may close any park, building or portion thereof, and remove all persons therefrom when in his or her judgment such closing will best preserve the public peace, prevent damage to public property, quell riots, mobs or violence, or is otherwise in the public interest. The city manager, a peace officer or a park ranger may also cause to be removed any and all persons whose presence in the building, park or portion thereof is disruptive to the normal and safe use and enjoyment of the building or park.
   C.   Any person directed to leave must immediately leave the park, building, or portion thereof for the next 24 hours. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor. (Ord. 2017-0053 § 2; Ord. 2012-042 § 5)