2.40.120   Removal of members for failure to comply with the law.
   A.   Each member of a board or commission shall comply with all laws or requirements relating to the member's office (including provisions of any resolution, ordinance, or local, state or federal law).This includes, but is not limited to the following:
      1.   Taking and subscribing the oath or affirmation for public officers (Cal. Const., art. XX, § 3);
      2.   Filing a statement of economic interests, if required by the city's conflict of interest code adopted pursuant to the Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov. Code, § 81000 et seq.); and
      3.   Completing training in general ethics principles and ethics laws (Cal. Gov. Code, § 53235).
   B.   For purposes of charter section 232, a failure of any member of a board or commission to comply with subsection A is deemed good cause for removal from office. (Ord. 2022-0024 § 2)