10.60.060   Regulations governing use of broadcasting vehicles.
   A.   The following regulations shall apply to any broadcasting from a broadcasting vehicle:
      1.   Only the sounds of the human voice or music shall be broadcast when using electrically amplified sound equipment;
      2.   Broadcasts shall be made only between the hours of ten a.m. and six p.m.;
      3.   No broadcast shall be made while the broadcast vehicle is stopped, unless the broadcast vehicle is stopped or impeded by traffic; or, unless it is reasonably necessary to deliver a message of reasonable length; or unless an address of sustained reason made by human voice would otherwise be impossible; provided that, under no circumstances shall a broadcast be made while the broadcasting vehicle is in a stationary position in a residential area;
      4.   No broadcasting vehicle shall impede, obstruct, or hinder the flow of traffic on any public street, thoroughfare or alley within the city;
      5.   Broadcast vehicles shall comply at all times with all applicable parking and vehicle regulations set forth in this title, and with all applicable provisions of the Vehicle Code;
      6.   No broadcast shall be made within two hundred (200) yards of any school, church, courthouse, hospital or any other institution in which sick people are treated or cared for;
      7.   No broadcast shall be made which is audible at a distance in excess of four hundred (400) feet from the broadcasting vehicle. The volume of sound shall also be controlled so that it is not unreasonably loud, raucous, or disturbing to persons or domestic animals within the permissible area of audibility;
      8.   No obscene or profane speech shall be broadcast; and
      9.   No sound shall be broadcast in or around any vicinity in which the police or fire departments are conducting emergency operations nor shall any broadcast be made which interferes with, or hinders, the operations of such departments. (Prior code § 25.01.025)