10.48.180   Deletion of residential streets from residential permit parking areas.
   A.   Persons desiring the deletion of a residential permit parking area or portion of a residential permit parking area shall consult with the parking manager to tentatively establish the boundaries of the area proposed for deletion.
   B.   If the parking manager determines there is a significant show of interest by the residents in a residential permit parking area for deletion of the area as a residential permit parking area, the parking manager shall undertake a parking study to determine whether deletion of the area is appropriate. In the event that the parking study demonstrates an occupancy rate of more than fifty (50) percent, the parking manager shall decline a request to delete the residential area or a substantial portion of that area, for a period of one year following determination of the occupancy rate unless there is a substantial change in the character of the residential area that impacts the need and desire for deletion of the residential permit parking area or a portion of the residential permit parking area.
   C.   If the parking study shows a fifty (50) percent or less occupancy rate, the parking manager shall undertake voting surveys to determine support or opposition to the proposed deletion by property owners of the properties located on the blockface(s) for the area proposed for deletion. Unless a majority of voting surveys are returned with
at least two-thirds voting in favor of the deletion, the area shall not be deleted as a residential permit parking area.
   D.   After determining that a majority of the voting surveys are returned with at least two-thirds voting in support of deletion of the area as a residential permit parking area, the parking manager shall mail notices to the residents of the residential permit parking area. The notices shall set forth the proposed location and boundaries of the area to be deleted.
   E.   If it appears, based on the parking study and the voting survey, that the general consensus within the proposed residential permit parking area is in favor of deleting a residential area as a residential permit parking area, the parking manager shall provide his or her recommendations by written report to the city council, whether to delete the residential area under consideration as a residential permit parking area. (Ord. 2012-007 § 1; prior code § 25.10.188)